Plant Description

Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila

Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila

Native to Central America, this shrub is one of the largest of all salvias and needs plenty of space. This particular cultivar, called 'Tequila', has a blackish calyx to each flower, which really enhances the large glowing red flowers. It flowers from late autumn to spring. It can grow to 3-4 m tall, but if cut back by half in summer as well as pruning almost to the ground after its flowering period, it can be kept a bit lower. But it really isn't a plant for a small area. It mixes with other 'hot' colours of orange and yellow (such as dainty Justicia rizzinii, Lobelia laxiflora or Tagetes lemmonii) to create a vibrant combination, and if purple (such as Tibouchina) is mixed in it makes a really strong picture. It looks good nearby to autumn leaves and also with dark-coloured leaves such as Persicaria 'Red Dragon', which echo the dark calyces. It can also be grown with plants with red flowers of a different shape such as camellias or poinsettia, and its big heart-shaped leaves make a good background feature when it is not in bloom. It likes part or dappled shade, with protection from the hot afternoon sun. It can be afflicted by white fly at times: spray with white oil or a household fly spray to control these. It is sensitive to hard frosts.

Postscript: Sadly, I ended up removing this plant from my garden because it got too big and needed too much pruning. I still love seeing it in big gardens where there is plenty of room for it!

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Salvia gesneriiflora Tequila
Out now in my Sydney garden.
Flowers from May to November.
Plant Family: Lamiaceae
